Tuesday 20 January 2009

Glastonbury event: Forest Gardens and Magical Edible Landscapes

My friend, housemate, fellow Aquarian, raw foodist and all round beautiful being Joseph will be delivering the following presentation in town tomorrow evening. Joseph is a nature lover and student of permaculture and I am hoping to gain the knowledge and inspiration to begin some small scale cultivation.

Why do the monks, the holy ladies and gentleman, the yogis go to the forest? Perhaps for the peace, the tranquillity, the simplicity, being surrounded by an abundance of good vibrations, nature settles peace on the soul, and we feel good, at ease. Not all of us want to give it up and dwell in the depths of the forest, if we could find any! The beauty is, we can co-create a sanctuary, a sacred space, a space of love, within and without, on a mountainside, a window-sill, in a backyard or on a balcony. Such is a forest garden. Such is a magical edible landscape.

Glastonbury Positive Living Group meets every Wednesday evening at Glastonbury Town Hall. There is no need to book. Just come along whenever there is a talk of interest. Lovely, friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Everyone welcome. Refreshments included.

Doors open 7.00pm
Topic of the evening 7.30pm
Social and (more) refreshments 9.00pm 'ish'
Doors close 10.00pm
Admission £5/£4 concs.

For full details of all upcoming talks please visit www.shiny-happy-people.co.uk or telephone Liz on 01458 833128.

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